NANOMXCN: Mexico-China Workshop on NANO Materials / Science / Technology

Press/Media: Press / Media

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The scientific and technological goals of NANOMXCN focus on the use of nano materials / science / technology to address critical and important problems of modern society: renewable energy and environmental remediation. To address the delicate balance of rising awareness with the need to address these with high scientific quality, NANOMXCN has the support of highly distinguished scientists members of its International Advisory Committee 

Period21 Aug 2017 → 22 Aug 2017

Media coverage

TitleHow the Chinese Nano technology can help tackle environmental pollution
DescriptionVideo of the 3th NANOMXCN workshop @ XXVI IMRC, August 2017
Around 70 scientists from China and Mexico gathered in Mexico to develop renewable energy and remedy environmental pollution with Nano technology.
China and Mexico are both developing countries and environmental issues are the common problems for the two nations, especially the water quality problem.
Media name/outletNew China TV
Degree of recognitionInternational
Media typeWeb
Producer/AuthorNew China TV
Duration / Length / Size1 m 28 s
TitleChinese, Mexican Scientists Expect Nano Technology to Tackle Environmental Pollution
DescriptionCo-organized by City University of Hong Kong, UNAM, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes and Chinese Academy of Sciences, the workshop has been held for the third time.

Juan Antonio Zapien, a professor at the City University of Hong Kong and also one of the workshop's organizers, said China and Mexico have great potential in the field of nanotechnology.
Media name/outletChinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) NEWSROOM
Producer/AuthorChinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
TitleChinese, Mexican scientists expect nano technology to tackle environmental pollution
DescriptionCANCUN, Mexico, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- Around 70 scientists from China and Mexico joined in a workshop here on Sunday to discuss how to use nano technology to develop renewable energy and remedy environmental pollution.
Media name/outletXINHUANET
Degree of recognitionInternational
Media typeWeb


3rd NANOMXCN, Mexico-China Workshop on NANO
Materials / Science / Technology: Renewable Energy and Environmental Remediation


Cancun, Mexico

Event: Workshop