Graphene’s ultimate stretchability and ‘realistic’ strength discovered
Press/Media: Press / Media
Media coverage
Title | Graphene's ultimate stretchability and 'realistic' strength discovered |
Description | The realistic mechanical properties of monolayer graphene have been successfully studied by a new method developed by a research team led by Dr Lu Yang, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (CityU). The groundbreaking discovery will promote the application of graphene in different areas, such as the touch monitor on flexible mobile phones. |
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Media name/outlet | Nano Werk |
Place | United States |
Media type | Web |
Date | 11/03/20 |
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Title | Graphene’s ultimate stretchability and ‘realistic’ strength discovered |
Description | Over the years, Dr Lu Yang has researched the mechanical properties of various nanomaterials. His research team has successfully developed a new method for transferring large-area graphene onto his unique nanomechanical testing platform, performing in situ tensile tests in a scanning electron microscope to study changes in stretching and shaping. Members of the research team include PhD students Cao Ke and Han Ying in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Dr Ly Thuc-hue, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, at CityU, as well as experts from Tsinghua University and Xidian University. |
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Media name/outlet | CityU NewsCentre |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Producer/Author | Mirror Fung |
Date | 9/03/20 |
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Title | 城大測出石墨烯「真實」強度 |
Description | 陸洋表示,其團隊研發出新方法,將大面積石墨烯轉移到獨特的測試平台上,在掃描電子顯微鏡下作原位拉伸測試,觀測石墨烯拉伸和成形的變化。當中困難在於如何把非常輕和薄的單層石墨烯樣本完整轉移到獨立式測試平台上,並在拉伸時保持力度平均。 |
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Media name/outlet | 文匯報 |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Producer/Author | 高鈺 |
Date | 9/03/20 |
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Title | 城大首展石墨烯「真實」強度 |
Description | 香港城市大學機械工程學系副教授陸洋博士領導的研究團隊,開發嶄新方法,測試並發現單層石墨烯的「真實」力學性能。這項全球首次的發現,將有助推動石墨烯在不同領域的應用,如柔性手機觸摸屏。 |
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Media name/outlet | 香港商報 |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Producer/Author | 蔣璐 |
Date | 9/03/20 |
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Title | 城大新方法測出石墨稀抗拉強度極限 全球首次發現 |
Description | 由城大機械工程學系副教授陸洋領導的團隊以新方法測試出石墨稀的彈性極限和抗拉強度,陸以往致力研究不同納米物料的機械性能,是次研發出用新方法將大面積石墨烯轉移到獨特的測試平台上,並在掃描電子顯微鏡下作原位拉伸測試,觀測石墨烯拉伸和成形的變化。 |
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Media name/outlet | 東網 |
Place | Hong Kong |
Media type | Web |
Date | 8/03/20 |
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