Invited Speaker :
Transactional Art from the Brain Factory to Value of Values
Activity: Talk/lecture or presentation › Talk/lecture
- Maurice BENAYOUN (Invited Speaker)
Activity date | 22 May 2020 |
Degree of recognition | International |
Derrick de Kerckhove's Lecture CAFA: a new Art CollectiveOnline Open Lecture
You will find below Derrick de Kerckhove's announcement of the last milestone in the creation of an art collective. Today's public lecture at CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing) will be the opportunity to attend via Zoom the presentation by Derrick de Kerckhove, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Annick Bureaud, Ingo Günter, and MoBen Maurice Benayoun. The name of the art collective will be discussed during the presentations. Derrick/other speakers) 8am/9am NYC-EDT, 2pm/3pm CET (Paris, Berlin, Italy...), 8pm/9pm CST (Beijing, HK...). DDK: "Dear Friends, tomorrow afternoon (this Friday) I am giving a public lecture at CAFA, the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Of course it is via Zoom, a telepresence medium that allows you to be in Beijing or anywhere else for that matter without actually having to go there. You can join us at CAFA at 2PM (France/Italy time 0r 8AM in North America) tomorrow by accessing this link: (ZOOM ID:891 4801 9400)It is a very special occasion for me and for the artists I have invited to join me, Maurice Benayoun, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Annick Bureaud, and Ingo Günther and my students and friends at CAFA to present a new art collective that we are jointly creating to both respond to the unusual situation the world’s people are experiencing today and raise the awareness that, albeit still more or less confined for an unspecified duration of time, we are bound to recognise that whether for the sake of GPS or that of the coronavirus, we all belong to the same unified space of the Earth. The lecture on From Volcanic to Homeopathic Art Theory will be followed at 3PM (Italy and France time) by a presentation of our project by the artists. Looking forward to finding out that you are with us. Cheers. DerrickFurther information about the event: The theory is that art, at the height of the industrial hardware era, followed the pattern of an active volcano. Avant-Garde art, bursting through the weakened strata of social unease, would first horrify patrons, but eventually, even as it came down the sides of the mountain, the hot lava of indignation cooled off, and the new art would become part of the institution as the legitimate content for galleries and museums. Today nobody is horrified by anything anymore and the avant-garde is both everywhere and nowhere because the newly effective art has moved online and its impact is homeopathic, like acupuncture in the nervous system of the planet.
Research Unit / Event Journal/Book Series
Title | Derrick de Kerckhove's Lecture CAFA: a new Art Collective |
Date | 22/05/20 → 22/05/20 |
Website | |
Location | Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China |
City | Beijing |
Place | China |