Consultant :

Strengthen capacity at the farm level for African Swine Fever (ASF) response for Southeast Asian countries

Activity: Consultancy

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The Service Provider will undertake the following activities:
a. Develop practical guidelines, topic includes culling and disposal of pigs, farm biosecurity and restocking, movement control and slaughtering, surveillance for monitoring of ASF, and application of compartmentalization in smallholder setting, in consultation with FAO.
i. Desk review of existing documents and materials
ii. Prepare the draft guidelines in English based on results of the review; and
iii. Organize and facilitate virtual consultation among experts, country governments and local stakeholders and FAO to review guidelines ensuring their suitability for smallholder pig farmers in Asia, and make adjustments to the guidelines according to the outcomes of the consultation.
b. Facilitate and participate in trainings (virtual and face-to-face) organized by FAO and provide technical expertise
iv. Attend regional consultations arranged by FAO to finalize training materials on ASF detection and response and adapt the practical guidelines to the regional training materials;
v. Participate regional trainings organized by FAO to provide technical inputs; and
vi. Mentor trainees for the online/offline trainings.
c. Provide inputs for revising existing national strategy or action plan for ASF control
vii. Attend and serve as resource persons to the relevant national stakeholder
workshops and meetings; and
viii. Provide inputs and facilitate the revision of the ASF national action plan for participating countries including Viet Nam.
d. Prepare a final report summarizing implemented activities.

Research Unit / Event Journal/Book Series

External organisation (Government)

NameFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations