Consultant :

ASF cross border risk assessment South-East Asia

Activity: Consultancy

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The Project objectives are:
1. To describe the risk pathways of ASF cross-border spread in South-East Asia, China, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea through all possible routes, including formal and informal trade of pigs and their products, travellers and transport vehicles, wild pig movements and other transmission routes.
This study will only include the entry assessment component as defined in the OIE risk analysis framework, which consists of describing the biological pathways necessary for an importation activity to introduce pathogenic agents into a particular environment and estimating the probability of that complete process occurring. Profiling and ranking of possible entry points will be part of the entry assessment outcomes. The exposure and consequence assessments will not be conducted in this study.
2. To make recommendations for the OIE and Member Countries to consider risk-mitigation measures and follow-up studies/activities.

Research Unit / Event Journal/Book Series

External organisation

NameWorld Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)