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Ars Electronica Garden HK: Artificial Intentionalities

Activity: Participating in or organising a conference / an eventParticipation in conference

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GARDEN HONG KONG at Osage Gallery is a one-week finissage art show of Ars Electronica 2021 Garden Hong Kong. Introducing Artificial Intentionalities, the Garden statement reads “Ars Electronica Garden Hong Kong’s curatorial inquiry explores various paths to better understand the entanglements that surface in the tectonic interplay of divergent worlds, where robots challenge social models, artworks try to understand each other, and the faraway meets the nearby.

Research Unit / Event Journal/Book Series


TitleArs Electronica Garden HK: Artificial Intentionalities
LocationOsage Gallery
CityHong Kong
PlaceHong Kong
Degree of recognitionInternational event